




2018.09—2022.04 湖南大学,机械工程,工学博士

2013.09—2016.06 湖南大学,机械工程,工学硕士

2009.09—2013.06 华北水利水电大学,机械设计制造及其自动化,工学学士


2022.05—至今  郑州轻工业大学,ok138cn太阳集团古天乐,智能制造系

2016.06—2018.04  广东美芝制冷设备有限公司(美的集团),产品工艺工程师






  1. 考虑供需互馈的生产与运维服务资源协同调度优化方法研究,国家自然科学基金项目(52305560),2024.01-2026.1230万,主持。

  2. 数据驱动的盾构机关键部件运维服务与库存控制协同优化技术,河南省科技攻关项目(232102221010),2024.01-2025.1210万,主持。

  3. 隧道掘进机运维效用牵引的备件生产与库存控制协同优化关键技术研究,博士启动基金(2022BSJJZK04),2023.01-2025.1210万,主持。

  4. 智能互联装备群组的分层制造协同技术,江苏省工业装备数字制造及控制技术重点实验室开放研究基金(JDG20230018),2022.01-2023.123万,主持。

  5. 成套装备的多阶段在线协同运维技术,国家重点研发计划课题(2020YFB1712102),2020.11-2023.10190万,在研,参与。




  1. Zhang Like, Deng Qianwang, Wang Zhen, Gong Guiliang, Wen Xiaoyu, Liu Xiaoyan. Collaborative scheduling of production resources and spare parts inventory for distributed equipment with feedback guidance and minimum capacity loss. Swarm and Evolutionary Computation, 2022, 75: 101200. (SCI一区TOPIF= 10.267)

  2. Zhang Like, Deng Qianwang, Miao Bingxin, Liu Xiaoyan, Shao Haidong. Parallel service mode of production and inventory for spare part inventory optimization. Knowledge-Based Systems, 2022, 241: 108282. (SCI一区TOPIF= 8.139)

  3. Zhang Like, Deng Qianwang, Lin Ruihang, Gong Guiliang, Han Wenwu. A combinatorial evolutionary algorithm for unrelated parallel machine scheduling problem with sequence and machine-dependent setup times, limited worker resources and learning effect. Expert Systems with Applications, 2021, 175: 114843. (SCI一区TOPIF= 8.665)

  4. Zhang Like, Deng Qianwang, Zhao Yan, Fan Qing, Liu Xiaoyan, Gong Guiliang. Joint optimization of demand-side operational utility and manufacture-side energy consumption in a distributed parallel machine environment. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 2021, 164: 107863. (SCI二区;IF= 7.180)

  5. Zhang Like, Deng Qianwang, Gong Guiliang, Han Wenwu. A new unrelated parallel machine scheduling problem with tool changes to minimise the total energy consumption. International Journal of Production Research, 2020, 58(22): 6826-6845. (SCI二区TOPIF= 9.018)

  6. Zhang Like, Deng Qianwang, Wen Xiaoyu, Zhao Yan, Gong Guiliang. Optimal production scheduling with multi-round information interaction for demander-dominated decentralized scheduling problem. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 2023, 123: 106228. (SCI二区TOPIF= 7.973)

  7. Zhao Yan, Deng Qianwang, Zhang Like, Han Weifeng, Li Fengyuan. Optimal spare parts production-distribution scheduling considering operational utility on customer equipment. Expert Systems with Applications, 2023, 214: 119204. (SCI一区TOPIF= 8.665)

  8. Wang Zhen, Deng Qianwang, Zhang Like, Liu Xiaoyan. Integrated scheduling of production, inventory and imperfect maintenance based on mutual feedback of supplier and demander in distributed environment. Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 2022: 1-23. (SCI一区TOPIF= 7.136)

  9. Miao Bingxin, Deng Qianwang, Zhang Like, Huo Zhangwen, Liu Xiaoyan. Collaborative scheduling of spare parts production and service workers driven by distributed maintenance demand. Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 2022, 64: 261-274. (SCI一区TOPIF= 9.498)

  10. Wang Zhen, Deng Qianwang, Zhang Like, Li Haiqiu, Li Fengyuan. Joint optimization of integrated mixed maintenance and distributed two-stage hybrid flow-shop production for multi-site maintenance requirements. Expert Systems with Applications, 2022: 119422. (SCI一区TOPIF= 8.665)

  11. Li Kexin, Deng Qianwang, Zhang Like, Fan Qing, Gong Guiliang, Ding Sun. An effective MCTS-based algorithm for minimizing makespan in dynamic flexible job shop scheduling problem. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 2021, 155: 107211. (SCI二区;IF= 7.180)

  12. Zhu Huan, Deng Qianwang, Zhang Like, Hu Xiang, Lin Wenhui. Low carbon flexible job shop scheduling problem considering worker learning using a memetic algorithm. Optimization and Engineering, 2020, 21(4): 1691-1716. (SCI三区;IF= 2.619)
